French, born in 1957.

Professional experience:

Dual career in parallel: industrial and academic tracks.

35 years in sofware development, mainly in Natural Language Processing, see details.

70 scientific publications and one international standard LMF see details.


Natural language processing, machine learning, statistical chunking, named entity detection, text mining, term extraction, business intelligence from newspapers and social media, lexicography, knowledge base management, plagiarism detection, statistical predictive modeling, chatbots for customer relationship management.


. Specification writing and standard translation (translater of ISO 24611 MAF and ISO 24615 SynAF)
. Entrepreneur.
. Developer (code writer) by the means of a programing language:
    - currently in Java,
    - in the Past in C language, C++, Lisp, Fortran, Cobol, Pascal, IRIS Assembly language.

2000: Java Certification by Sun-Microsystems

1988: PhD in Computer Science obtained from the University Pierre and Marie Curie (Paris 6, degree course: Applied Mathematics for Computer Science) on the subject: "Induction of grammar rules" (within Jussieu GR22 lab + LIMSI-CNRS lab and visitor to Mc Gill Univ./Montréal)

1984: DEA "Algorithms for Information Processing", Paris 6 Univ. (Jussieu)

1983: Master's (M.Sc.) in Computer Science, Paris 6 Univ.

1982: Licence (B.Sc.) in Computer Science, Paris 6 Univ.

1981: DUT of Computer Science for Management, Paris 13 Univ. (Villetaneuse)

Member of the W3C Committee Ontology and Lexicon

Member of the Wikipedia community

Member of the French Society for Terminolgy (SFT, Société française de terminologie)

President of AFNOR/X03A Committee on Terminology, principles and coordination

Member of the advisory board of TALOS - Artificial Intelligence for Humanities and Social Sciences (Rethimnon, University of Crete)

Fluent in French and English.

Swimming, scuba diving and history of French lexicons (especially 18th century).