Professional Experience

Since May 2002
until now
Founder and COO of Tagmatica.
Natural Language Processing
Technical experience

Software developpement : Java, UML, XML, Weka, R, Lucene, PDFBox, Tesseract OCR, Abbyy OCR, Tika, Git, Svn, Jena, Filezilla, HTTTrack.
Specification writing.
Author of the ISO standard dedicated to lexicons for Natural Language Processing, see wikipedia.
See the "News" item for details.

Since October 2007
until April 2020
Computational linguist for Spotter, then Akio Spotter
Natural Language Processing, named entity detection in 18 languages, text mining, knowledge base management from Wikipedia and Wikidata, chatbots for customer relationship management.
Technical experience

Software developpement : Java, Jena, Ant, Maven, SVN, Nabu, Eclipse, Emacs.

From October 90
to April 2002


Team leader for ERLI, then GSI-ERLI, then Lexiquest.


Software development and management of a team of computer scientists and linguists in the RD division of LexiQuest or customers like Aerospatiale (EADS now), Dassault-Aviation or Renault.

Management of electronic lexicons: co-author of the Genelex model (representation of 5 languages and a pivot), design and conception of lexicographic Framework. The Genelex model is the first model of the family of models whose name are: Eagles, Parole, Simple and Isle. Collaboration with the lexicon teams of Hachette, IBM, LADL, SEMA and CNR-ILC.

Natural Language Processing (morphological analysis, tagging, term extraction : LexiTrack, control of texts: "Simplified English" for Aerospatiale).

Computer Sciences for documentation (management of technical documents in the field of airplanes and cars industry).

Corporate search engines.

Technical experience

Good knowledge of Java developement for a local host, a client-server architecture or a multi-tiers Web. So a good knowledge of JDK (core language, multi-threads, RMI, Swing, XML, JDBC) and of J2EE (JSP, ServLet, EJB) on TomCat implementation. Often has to deal with objects persistence.

Good knowledge of C++, C language, yacc, lex, sed, perl (notions), InstallShield.

Use of RDBM like Oracle V8 and CloudScape via JDBC, and OODBM like Object-Store.

Operating systems : Windows and Unix.

Project management with MS-project.

Use of UML in the documentation.

From November 87
to october 90
Software engineer for Elsa-Software (software editor ).

Analysis of birth certificates for the Foreign Ministry.

Port of an inference engine for the "Banque de France".

Writing of a Lisp compiler.

Technical experience
Software development in C-Language and Lisp on Unix.

From October 82
to October 84

Programmer and analyst for ICEPP (Software company).
Financial data processing (banque Worms, crédit chimique, BPGF, CFF), ordering management (Yves Rocher).
Technical experience
DBM second generation (HP-Image) and relational (Ask), Cobol, Pascal on mini-computer HP-3000.

2 months in 80
2 months in 81

Programmer for CRPNPAC (management pension for Airplane pilotes).
Data processing for management.
Technical experience
Programing in Cobol + CICS, DL1 DBM on IBM MainFrame.
Before 1980
Electrician and team leader on a ship in the oil industry.